It is advisable to BRING YOUR OWN YOGA MAT to class.  However, they are available at the Centers, as are BLANKETS, BLOCKS and STRAPS.  (If you have a BOLSTER, please bring.) 
 THEY ARE USED EXTENSIVELY IN RESTORATIVE AND GENTLE YOGA CLASSES and help make your Yoga classes more comfortable.

Arrive a few minutes early to your yoga class. Set the tone for your practice, and give yourself time to find your space, collect props, practice a few poses or come into relaxation. It's great to see your friends in class, however it can be distracting for yourself and others to have an extended or loud conversation going on. Please be mindful.

Stay for the duration of the class - leaving early is disruptive to the rest of the class, and you will miss out on an important aspect of a yoga class (sealing in your practice and bringing all your energies into balance). If you have to leave, please be mindful and go before final Relaxation.

Wear comfortable clothing that you can stretch comfortably in and maintain decorum. Remove your jewelry and socks (so you don’t slip). Wearing layered clothing is practical as you can remove or add as necessary. Sweating in moderation is good, your body is releasing toxins! 

Set yourself a goal to come to every yoga class you signed up for. Note your yoga schedule in your Smart Phone, day planner, computer etc. so you always remember not to make appointments that clash with your yoga time.

Do not eat for 2 hours before a yoga class. Avoid caffeine before the class, running to the bathroom will be a distraction for yourself and others. Drink water after the class. Many yoga poses act as detoxification so drinking water helps to release those toxins.

Suffering in pain throughout a yoga class is an indication that you are not practicing mindfulness or Ahimsa (non violence).  Adjust poses as required, or consider taking a Gentle Yoga Class instead. 

Adapt, adjust and accommodate the poses to suit your unique needs; please keep your ego in check and do not copy what the person is doing next to you, as you may cause yourself harm. Always use your breath; Yoga is 80% breathing. Remind or communicate to me about any health issues that might affect your practice. Feel free to skip poses that cause you pain (Please seek professional medical advice if unsure).

Please do not attempt to help other people with their poses. Call me over if you think someone requires assistance or is in trouble. 

If you are sick, or have a bad cough, please take care of yourself and stay home to recoup,
however if you just have a mild cough, try elevating your head with folded blankets - this will
help the irritation at the back of the throat.

External Disruptions: Please be mindful and respectful at all times; do not walk on other people's mats, and ensure that your CELL PHONES are turned off. Please do not wear fragrances or strong smelling lotions etc.  Some people are very sensitive or allergic which may cause them great discomfort throughout the class. Article in MORE Magazine: "When you get to the yoga class (coming straight from work), wash your hands, wrists and neck. That will remove most traces of perfume".

Please feel free to contact me about where to purchase blankets, bolsters and other yoga props (we use these extensively in the RESTORATIVE YOGA CLASSES). Save my website address on your devices, so that you can easily access all current schedules and any changes.

A traditional "Salutation" used at the end of yoga classes. An honoring of the divine in another while recognizing the divine within. The Namaste gesture represents a communication between yourself and another at the soul level, going deeper than personality and ego to connect through your heart or center of your being. Honoring the spirit within and from this place of reverence bring forth a divine connection with others:

I honor the place in you
Where the entire universe resides
I honor that place in you
Of Truth
Of Beauty
Of Love
Of Peace
When you are in that place in you
And I am in that place in me
There is only one of us


Mondays gentle yoga class was wonderful with the stretches for the backs of the legs and arms. Thank You!  It helped with my lower back pain and my back is getting stronger. It's so nice to know you have great experience and skills, you are a joy to have as an instructor. This is my 12th year in your classes. 
- Pat Koepke

Your Yoga Classes are the highlight of every week. Thank you. - Sue Moynahan

Yoga Retreat